Today’s jobs for tomorrow’s mobility
The transfer of passenger and freight transport from road to rail is one of the core components of a forward-looking transport, economic and climate policy. The companies active in rail transport work together towards these goals and offer a wide range of professional opportunities in this context.
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Keep processes moving
In addition to the drivers themselves, the people in various operational and commercial professions are also responsible for the smooth running of passenger and rail freight transport. Some of these work directly on the trains, but also in the normal office environment.
Anyone who has ever traveled on a local or long-distance train knows that a train journey is not possible without a train driver, a train attendant or customer advisor. Increasing passenger numbers and more trains also mean greater staffing needs in these two areas.
To ensure that trains run on time, that passengers reach their destination safely in local or long-distance transport, or that goods arrive at their destination on time, employees are needed in many other areas. These are e.g.:
- Dispatchers in passenger, freight or container traffic
- wagon supervisor
- shunter
- fleet manager
- traffic planner
- manager
- Railway workers in operational service
It doesn’t matter whether it’s an activity on the train itself or in the environment of the moving operation, all activities have one thing in common: they require the employees to be able to concentrate and have a high level of mental and physical resilience.
Railway safety is the top priority
The safety of the locomotives, the wagons, the control and signaling technology as well as the track systems has been the basis of this transport system since the beginning of railway history in the 19th century. Today’s railway system is more dependent than ever on well-trained and qualified technical specialists.
Technical specialists are in demand above all in vehicle maintenance, in signal boxes or for the maintenance of trains, machines and systems. Here, too, the job descriptions are diverse. You can find here:
- Mechatronics engineer
- industrial mechanic
- Electronics engineer for industrial engineering
- rail car fitter
- Engineer for rail vehicle technology
- track builder
- metal worker
In addition to the maintenance area, engineering jobs can also be found in the construction and planning departments. Some of these tasks are also of a strategic nature when it comes to the planning, construction or modernization of railway lines, the construction of bridges, tunnels and stations or the development of new technologies. The railway engineers plan, design, build and secure in interdisciplinary projects.
Digitization – The railway in the 21st century
Digitization does not stop at rail traffic either. It helps to make operations more efficient with reduced personnel costs and automates information, e.g. to business and private customers. It is now the case that no train runs and no ticket is sold without a specialized software. The proportion of IT specialists, software developers and software engineers in the railway industry is therefore constantly growing. In addition to Deutsche Bahn and the other railway companies, the potential employers are also all industrial companies that produce in the vicinity of the railway. The complex technical and digital systems have to be constantly adapted and optimized to everyday requirements. Not only the railway technology and the IT itself are constantly evolving, but also the environment of the technical security requirements. Safety and reliability continue to have top priority.
Strategies for digitization are being designed and implemented not only in passenger transport, but also in rail freight transport. A key element here is the planned introduction of a digital and automatic clutch. Although technological solutions already exist, freight trains in single-wagon traffic in Europe are still coupled by hand as they were in the 19th century. As a result of digitization in freight train traffic, not only automatic train formation and separation is possible, but also an automatic brake test or the use of better braking technology for freight cars.
Service and sales
Enjoying dealing with people is an essential prerequisite for commercial and service-oriented professions. As a dispatcher in freight transport, for example, you have to be very communicative when you are in contact with colleagues and customers. A friendly and professional approach is therefore important here in order to get information or to forward it to the right places. Commercial professions require flexibility and a certain amount of initiative, because employees are expected to think ahead when it comes to planning and strategies. The most important commercial jobs in the railway environment are:
- controller
- Industrial clerk
- Inside sales employees for railway and road traffic
- Merchant for forwarding and logistics
- Strategic Buyer